The best of friends read "Beauty Way" and some like Australian motion artist, Kelvin Robertson, read it three times! Some, like Bobbi Ossip or Charlie Bates, read the book and then purchase more of the same for friends and relatives. In the case of Charlie, he purchased a total of four, which was all Sunstone Press had on hand when he visited the publishing house in early July.
I took this trip to the west to rockhound, of course, but then
also to do some readings, to meet my publisher Jim Clois Smith, Jr. in Santa Fe, and to sign the many copies of Beauty Way for the beautiful people who requested it. There is no sweeter feeling than signing a book for friends you love, who have truly enjoyed "Beauty Way" and who know the time and effort put in. There were years of struggling with words to get it just right and those fears and doubts of how this book would be accepted by tribal friends and tribal people in general who have have often looked upon white writers who write about their lives with disdain.
To write a book such as this takes some courage, maybe some audacity, but in my case, it was a desire to tell a story of some ordinary individuals, both tribal and non-tribal, who come together in a rather extraordinary way that touches each of them and creates a new understanding of what being human is about. After all, the word "Dineh" means "the people" and we are indeed all related.
From the reviews and the comments on various blogs, it seems that so far I have succeeded. "Beauty Way" is growing in popularity and has made it to near best seller status in Australia and the Far East.
The photos below of my dear friends tell some of the story and the photo of this author and publisher Jim under the Sunstone "Beauty Way" logo tells another, of two people who had confidence in the success of this novel.
I thank you, Jim Clois Smith, Jr. for believing in me, Alex Cigale for moving it to publication, my beautiful friends who encouraged me and gave my book ample publicity on their websites and on Facebook, namely Calvin Tatsey, owner of the Red Nation Society and Sassafras, dear friends Alex Cigale, author Rob Grant, Kelvin Robertson, Mark LaughingBear, Richard Addison(Blue Star) and Barbara Mills, and to Barnes @ Noble for being the first in Miami to purchase "Beauty Way" for its Aventura Store.
Friends touting your book and purchasing it for their shops and for their friends and relatives make for the greatest vote of confidence an author can have. The photos tell some of the story. Fortunately, there is so much more to tell.

Photos from top to bottom:
My publisher, Jim Clois Smith, Jr., taken outside Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, under Sunstone's "beauty way" logo.
My inspiration for writing this novel, author of best-selling short stories, novels and poetry, Sherman Alexie.
Guardian angel, well-recognized poet, translator, teacher, editor, Alex Cigale and I on the day the manuscript was completed.
Best friend,editor and publicist, Fifi Castany, and I on Lincoln Road celebrating the signed contract with Sunstone Press, Santa Fe.
The first signed book went to my wonderful kids Gerri and Mitch.
Signing the first of Charlie Bates' four copies at La Fonda at the Plaza in Santa Fe, NM.
Signing my brother Blue Star's copy at his home at Boulder Flats, Wind River Reservation, WY.
A desert signing at the Blue Forest for George Putnam, who purchased copies for his Creative Creations rock,fossil shop and library in Kemmerer, WY.
Appropriately, signing Elizabeth Jackson's copy, in Gerlach, Nevada, right outside the Black Rock Desert, where it all started with two arrowheads, so long ago.